Duration 17:32

EDYKT ranks Monstercat Instinct Volume 7

248 watched
Published 29 Apr 2021

Welcome to EDYKT Rankings. We consist of 5 people: TheGameBoy, wock, Xeno, Figment, and Morgan. We take our opinions on whatever we are ranking and combine them, often resulting in major disagreements because no one here has popular opinions. Today we do Monstercat Instinct Vol. 7. Half of us think it sucks but Xeno and Figment like it, which results in some interesting rankings. No one could agree on the best song resulting in a ok song getting #1 among other things. You are in for an interesting ranking. Description by: TheGameBoy Edited by: Xeno (Took about 9 hours, I'm very proud of the result :)


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